Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Motivate Me!

I have recently started "following" (sounds creepy, I know) a group of women that each have a blog. Their blogs are about their daily lives as women, mothers, and wives. But, they are mostly about living a healthy lifestyle. These 6 women known as the "Big 6," have thousands of followers, all of which are from many different walks of life. These women set out to inspire, to be honest about their daily struggles, to tell it how it is.

This made me think... Where would I be without my online support group? Would I have lost 49 pounds without them? Maybe. Probably not. As someone who's addicted to social networking sites, I love that I can post when I'm frustrated, or don't feel like going to the gym, and my friends tell me to get out there and do it! Sometimes, we all need a little extra motivation. I LOVE THIS! I can always count on others that are in a similar situation of trying to improve their bodies, to encourage, motivate, and once again, tell me how it is.

I challenge myself on a daily basis to make the best choices to meet my weight loss goals. I challenge you to do the same. Because, together, we can kick butt and finally reach the finish mile (or pound) at a time.