Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 74

Since I haven't updated in a month, let's get started.

To date, I've lost 31 pounds. The weight loss has slowed, but I'm still going in the right direction, which is down. I continue to track my calories, but I often get so busy I forget to log it. I'm still calculating though. I still watch labels like crazy. Overall, I feel INCREDIBLE. I am down 3-4 sizes from where I started. That's probably the most noticible thing. Every couple of weeks I must retire more clothing. I finally rid my closet today of all my "whoa, you really wore that size?" clothes. It was an awesome feeling. Now, to buy new ones. =) I <3 shopping.

I have started working out with a friend. I definitely enjoy her company, and we've been working out at her apartment complex's weight room. GREAT! I am up to 5 miles a day on the elliptical, and love it. I love the burn of my muscles and the sweat running all over me. I know, gross. We follow the cardio with weights, and then when I come home, I do abs and arms.

I have decided to only do a light workout on Wednesdays, if I do one at all. I noticed that I was beginning to dread my workouts, only because I was having difficulty balancing the rest of my world. Otherwise, I pound it the other 6 days a week.