Since I haven't updated in a month, let's get started.
To date, I've lost 31 pounds. The weight loss has slowed, but I'm still going in the right direction, which is down. I continue to track my calories, but I often get so busy I forget to log it. I'm still calculating though. I still watch labels like crazy. Overall, I feel INCREDIBLE. I am down 3-4 sizes from where I started. That's probably the most noticible thing. Every couple of weeks I must retire more clothing. I finally rid my closet today of all my "whoa, you really wore that size?" clothes. It was an awesome feeling. Now, to buy new ones. =) I <3 shopping.
I have started working out with a friend. I definitely enjoy her company, and we've been working out at her apartment complex's weight room. GREAT! I am up to 5 miles a day on the elliptical, and love it. I love the burn of my muscles and the sweat running all over me. I know, gross. We follow the cardio with weights, and then when I come home, I do abs and arms.
I have decided to only do a light workout on Wednesdays, if I do one at all. I noticed that I was beginning to dread my workouts, only because I was having difficulty balancing the rest of my world. Otherwise, I pound it the other 6 days a week.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 74
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Originally posted 6/10/2010
This last week was very trying. I didn't feel great, and have had a lot going on. Well, to put it simply, life happened. Kaitlyn was taken to the ER with a bad reaction to a bug bite. After some strong antibiotics, the swelling is going down. She now has an "egg" on her head as opposed to what looked like a tumor growing on her forehead. But, she's better. Thank God!Tonight was the first night I hit the track in almost two weeks. I've tried to get my workouts in here and there, but lacked serious motivation. I only half-heartedly did them. I think part of my frustration was the up and down I kept seeing on the scale. At one point, I had added five pounds. I was shocked!! I knew that I had made some poor choices lately, but they weren't THAT bad. Thankfully, it was all fluid retention. I upped the amount of water I was drinking, and POOF! It was all gone. Water is my friend. I have to remind myself of that, because it's not my favorite beverage.To date, I've lost 20 pounds. I'm excited to see the numbers continue to drop. I am proud of every single blister, pulled muscle, and pain I've endured. I am determined to continue my journey to a better, healthier me.
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Closing In
Originally posted 6/2/2010
I am very happy to say that I lost 19 pounds my first month of weight loss! It has been difficult, and there were times that I strayed...but just briefly.I was really worried about this past week. I stayed so busy, and when I had a free moment to go to the track, it would start raining. I tried to do my workouts at home the best I could, but my beautiful daughter thinks she needs ALL of my attention ALL of the time.Memorial Day weekend was spent with family and friends (my fave) and LOTS of food. I tried to stick to my calorie budget, and did well on Saturday. Sunday, however, was a different story. I blew it out of the water! No prob. I'll just be sure to work out extra hard tomorrow. Negative Ghost Writer....I came down with a stomach bug. GROSS!!! I'm not feeling 100% yet, but I'm well on my way. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, and I can return to my daily routine.I've decided that I'm going to start measuring myself as well as weigh. And, I'm going to take pictures...or rather have my hubby do it. I want to see what other people are seeing. Because the numbers only paint part of the picture...Can't wait to post some updated pics!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Day 21!
Originally posted 5/26/2010
The past few weeks have been crazy! I have lost 14 lbs to date. I am super excited to see the changes in myself. I am learning a healthier way of cooking, without sacrificing the flavor. I refuse to eat cardboard.I am still on top of my workouts. I haven't been to the track this week, because of so much going on. But, I still work out in my living room. I have Googled a ton of different exercises and weight loss tactics. Here's what I've learned: The thing that works best for you, is not necessarily what works for everyone else. I try to mix it up, because I get bored with one thing repeatedly. The more research I do, the more I learn about what I used to put in my body. WOW! So many restaurants pack their food full of calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, and carbs. Who knew? This is why I try to look at the nutrition information posted online prior to eating out. Then, I know what's "safe."This weekend I'll be joining my family in our annual reunion. I am so excited to see them, but not too excited about the menu. Burgers, hotdogs, potato salad. You get the picture. Sigh. This is where "portion control" comes into play...because there's no avoiding this one.
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Lack There Of
Originally posted 5/16/2010
I love the weekend! Who doesn't? Unfortunately, when Friday afternoon rolls around, I feel like I don't stop! I don't have time during the week to get a whole lot done, so my weekends are filled to the max. This also means that my workouts tend to be put off. I think that's how I ended up where I am today. Hmmm....This weekend, was no different. I am proud to say I did work out, just not as much. I missed the track 2 days, but still did my workout at home. Today, I kicked it in to overdrive. I felt like I had missed so much. The best part? My precious little girl and sweet hubby came with me to the track tonight. Kaitlyn made it 1/4 mile before she got tired. Then, she and Daddy spent some time looking at the different birds. FUN!I'm beginning to think that my muscles will always hurt. About the time that one part of my body feels better, another part hurts. BUT, I still like it. I know its working!Ready, set....
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:33 PM 0 comments
I Don't Want To!
Originally posted 5/13/2010
Today was one of "those" days. You know the kind, when you have a lot that needs to be done, but you don't want to do any of it? YEP. That was me. It took my friends on FB to motivate me enough to shove me out the door.Unfortunately, I procrastinated so long that I didn't have enough time before dark to walk a full 2 miles. So, I made up for it when I got home. I enjoy the workouts at home more than the ones at the track. I know that both are important, though.I'm down another pound; that's 9 altogether. Day 8: Complete!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday To Me
Originally posted 5/12/2010
Today, was my birthday, and it was fabul0us! I couldn't have better, more supportive people in my life. The best part? I'm down another 3lbs. That's a total of 8 in a week for those who are tracking. I'm SO excited. I couldn't ask for a better gift.I didn't let the fact that it was my birthday slow me down. Actually, I worked out harder today than I have all week. I was pouring sweat, and it was incredible. My husband had to help me off the floor.Everyday I discover new things about fitness. I don't want to call it a diet, because that's a negative word to me. I'm changing the way I live. I read things that I never cared about before. I am determined to be healthy for both myself and my family. I'm loving life!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Arthritis Schmitis
Originally posted 5/10/2010
DAY 5!! I have been so energized over the last five days. The last thing I wanted to do today was work. I kept thinking about my workout this evening. Unfortunately, by the time I got Kaitlyn from the babysitter's, got home (went all the way around Leesville do to a bad wreck), and ate dinner, it was after 7 o'clock before I hit the track. But, I went full force.I've mentioned before that I have a few apps on my iPhone to help me along the way. My app that acts as a treadmill, saves every workout. I looked today at my progress, and I am walking each mile 3 minutes faster than I was 3 days ago. Which, of course, means I'm burning A LOT more calories.I almost lost my beloved phone this evening. =( I have it clipped to my side, and apparently there isn't as much there to keep the phone up. I had to adjust the phone to sit over my hip and pull the drawstring tighter. That's something I couldn't do last week.When I was in college, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my left ankle. This was the result of many, many injuries to that ankle, weak ankles, and being overweight. Go figure. Tonight, I was having a lot of issues with it on the track. I've discovered if I focus on something, I can ignore the pain. I was not about to quit.Here's what I've been having a problem with: Calories. I seem to go WAY under on the calories. But, I'm not hungry, so I don't eat more. Then, when I exercise, I go an additional 250-300 calories under. That leaves me about 600-700 calories under my target. I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do. Anyone have suggestions?I am still fully enjoying this. I just wish I had been this excited years ago!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Happy Mother's Day!!
Originally posted 5/9/2010
Let me start by telling all of you wonderful mothers, Happy Mothers Day! Being a mother is the most rewarding, trying, beautiful "job" you'll ever have. I love my role as a mother, even when I think I'll pull my hair out.Now, Day 4!!Today has been fantastic. I spent the day with family and friends. I received some beautiful cards from my wonderful husband and beautiful, precious daughter. They made me cry! I also went out to eat. I LOVE Mexican food. I've often said that if I believed in past lives, I was definitely Hispanic in one of them. So, we went to a local Mexican restaurant. It was hard to make a healthy choice, but I chose the chicken fajitas and didn't eat the tortillas, sour cream, or rice. I ate the chicken, and a few of the grilled veggies that weren't floating in oil. (YUCK!) I also ate the refried beans, and moved the cheese aside. That was hard. I have 2 big weaknesses: Cheese and pasta. *Sigh* I even resisted the queso.I decided to not walk today. I wanted to spend the evening with my family and friends, and know that I'll go back tomorrow. I did, however, stick to my calories and exercised at home with my dumbbell and did some aerobics. So, I still got a work out in. I had a 4 year old work out partner that was almost hit in the head with a dumbbell and almost kicked ME in the face. Oh well, at least I spent 30 min on the floor instead of 30 minutes on the couch. =)Can't wait for tomorrow!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Keep It Moving Sister
Originally posted 5/8/2010
Day 2 was a lot better than Day 1. I went with a more positive attitude and felt so much better! I didn't think I was going to die this time. I was hurting from the first day, as expected. But, I was experiencing a lot of pain from the blisters on my heels and pads of my feet. I actually busted one open, THEN I thought I would die. WOW!! That really hurt. But, I pushed through. No pain, no gain. Right?I also bought a scale. SCARY! When I am at my goal weight, I will reveal my starting weight. I decided that if I was going to track my weight loss, I needed to know where I started.This has truly been a learning experience. I have been doing a lot of research, and am trying not to focus on weight as much as losing inches, and the fact that I'm getting healthier. I downloaded several new apps for my iPhone. I've always said it was a great investment, but now, it's the best purchase I've ever made. The apps actually track my calories. If I go out to eat, I enter the restaurant and menu item, and it automatically enters my calories. It also tracks how many calories I'm burning based on the exercises that I input. It tracks my current weight, goal weight, pounds I've lost, etc. The other app is a treadmill app I use at the track. It comes complete with a pedometer, calorie counter (how many I've burned), timer, speed check, and more.The last one is an app that helps me pinpoint the specific muscles I want to focus on. For instance, if I want to focus on the triceps, I tap that muscle and it shows me different exercises for that specific muscle. I'm in heaven!! Its been SO easy to do this.Day 3 (today) was great! I have had a heck of a lot of energy today. And the best part is, I lost 5 pounds!!! Go ME! I've been going all day, and when I finally made it home, it was getting dark and didn't really want to go to the track. I went, though. My goal is 2 miles a day, but because it was getting so dark, I walked 1.5 and then came home to do some weights. LOL, now I really hurt. In some sick, twisted way, I am enjoying the pain. I know I'm doing something right.I'm so excited to continue my journey, and can't wait to see my progress in the mirror.
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Day 1
Originally posted 5/6/2010
Today, I made a decision. And, I acted on it. I decided it was time to lose weight. Now, this has been pretty obvious for years. But I don't think I was ready; really ready. So here's how it started:Earlier today, a friend from highschool updated her FB status with a request for a fitness motivator. I signed up for the job. I definately needed the motivation myself. When I got home from work and finished dinner, I decided tonight was the night to start.So, from now on, I will post regular updates. I will look for the encouragement of my friends and family. When I want to give up and throw in the towel, I expect a butt kicking.I started the process of watching what I am eating a few weeks ago. I'm not depriving myself. It will only make me want it that much more. I have discovered the beauty of Yoplait. Oh WOW! When I want something sweet, I grab a "Strawberry Cheesecake" yogurt instead of cookies or candy. Thankfully, I don't have a big sweet tooth. My biggest issue is pasta. LOVE IT!Here's how Day 1 went:Walked 2 miles. Thought I was going to die after the 1/4 mile. But, I pushed through the pain, and controlled my breathing.A few things to tweak:First, stretching. I MUST stretch before and after each work out. That's why I thought I was going to die. Second, I need to figure a way to attach a water bottle to myself. I was really thirsty. Next, I stuck my iPhone under the shoulder strap of my sports bra so I could listen to the iPod. It was COVERED in sweat. Yeah, I know. That's gross. (But, at least I was sweating!) And finally, the aforementioned iPod needs a new playlist. Carrie Underwood's version of "I Told You So" just wasn't cutting it. Actually, it made me walk slower.Here's to Day 2!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:13 PM 0 comments
I've created a new blog! This one will be all about my fitness journey. The other blog will go back to what it was intended for... my life. I will be importing the blogs from the beginning of my journey to this blog. Welcome, and enjoy!
Posted by kaitlynsmom at 11:08 PM 0 comments